What a year... It was filled with the highest of highs and definitely the lowest of lows. When thinking back on the year though, I'm filled with nothing but gratitude.
January: I lost my precious babe, who was growing inside me. I was devastated and overwhelmed by so many emotions. I knew that I probably wouldn't try again, and dealing with the loss and the knowledge, that it was my last chance, was almost too much. There were many tears shed every night as I went to sleep.
February: Crossfit! I started a journey full time, that has forever changed me and the way I view my body. It made me realize, I'm strong. With hard work and preparation, you can do anything you set your mind too. It taught me to push past comfortable, and go for it.
March: Ireland....Pushed away my fear of flying, and set out on the trip I'd dreamed of for a long long time. St. Patrick's Day in Dublin. Wow! It was more than I ever dreamed. Each day I would wake up and hit the streets. There were a lot of tears shed there as well. Seeing the beauty of that city, meeting the people, it was an amazing time. When I left, there was a void in my heart.
April: Hmm, I think this month was filled with dreams of Ireland and lot's of Crossfit.
May: Started planning my next trip to Ireland. I couldn't stay away for long. If I saw something about Ireland on TV, I cried. There was a physical response. An ache and a longing, that I had only experienced, when being homesick from my family.
June: Crossfit, Crossfit and more Crossfit. This is when I really started to notice a change in my body and my mental strength. My eating was on point and I was starting to get stronger and faster in the gym. It carried over to my life. I was happier and more productive.
July: Can anyone say Crossfit? Throw in a couple of Saturday Shenanigans and you've pretty much got the idea.
August: Oh the dreaded month of August. My due date was the 28th. This date haunted me throughout the year. As much as I tried to forget it, it would just talk to me in the quietest of times. To my surprise, the girls from the gym, surprised me with a dinner. There were about 18 girls who showed up. I've never been one who get's surprised, so it was really a special moment for me. The support they offered was nothing short of fantastic.
September: Ireland. I was so happy to get there and get my rental car. I drove on the wrong side of the car, wrong side of the road and loved every minute of it. Ireland is a beautiful place. It's magical and holds me hostage to the promise of the life, I've always dreamed about. Simplicity at it's best. When I'm there, I'm me, the best me, the most honest me, the happiest me. The half marathon in Dingle, was exhilarating with the most gorgeous views, I've ever seen in my life. I can't imagine never seeing that place again. And then there was Dan. He sneaked in under the radar. Completely the opposite of my type, yet my perfect counter part.
October: Disaster in the Crossfit! I injured my shoulder about 4 years ago, and I finally pushed it to it's limit, or rather pulled it to it's limit. I know the exact moment it was torn beyond just letting it go. Workout called for pullups and I did what is called a kipping pullup. I've been avoiding doing those, because I couldn't yet do a strict. The kipping pull up has movement in it, and I just wasn't ready. So, there goes the rotator cuff. I also could not stand the separation between Dan and I, so I scheduled another trip to Ireland.
November: Light time in the gym. Could not perform any upper body movements, so I worked on my backsquat. I actually achieved my new personal record of 215 pounds, which I'm very proud of. Then the week before Thanksgiving, Ireland :) I arrived back to spend time with Dan. It was so much fun and very relaxing. Tea and toast became an everyday thing for me. Sleep was also restored. I slept for 8-12 hours every night. It had been a couple of years, since I was so comfortable.
December: I was supposed to be home preparing for surgery, but one decision kept me in Ireland for an extra week. I was scheduled to leave Ireland on the 2nd, but I just didn't want to leave Dan. So, I changed my ticket to the 5th. On the 3rd, I looked at the weather and saw a huge storm moving into Lawton and Dallas. On Wednesday night, I cancelled my flight and re-booked for Sunday the 8th. Saturday night-Sunday morning at 1am, I received a phone call from AA, changing my flight to Monday the 9th. Sunday night my flight was cancelled again, because of the second leg of the flight being cancelled. So after two hours on hold, I was scheduled to leave on Tuesday the 10th. I kept waiting for it to be cancelled, but NOOOOO, so home I came. Lot's of scrambling to finish end of year paperwork, before my surgery. December 18th, rotator cuff surgery. Woke up groggy and not able to move my right arm. Mom was watching Sir William and Dad was playing nurse. I spent 5 days with my dad and Crickett. They took great care of me, and honestly, I had a good time being with them. It's something I plan on doing more. Christmas was different for me this year. It seems to change and grow more distant than what I remember. I know it is because, of the lack of kids, in my house. There is no one to be excited for it. Santa Claus doesn't come to my house anymore, which makes me sad.
December 31st: I'm alive. My arm is healing. Still moments of pain, usually in the evenings after I've used my arm too much, like typing this blog :) I'm looking forward to this next year. It's a big one for me. I'll be closing out the last year of my 30's. It doesn't seem possible, but that is what my birth certificate says. Dan is coming to see me for my birthday... HE BETTER! I'm not sure what the year holds, but I'm excited to see it unfold.
Thank you all for the friendship and love you've shown through this year. I've gained some new friends and learned to appreciate the ones I have more. I hope for you all a prosperous and healthy year.
May the sun shine all day long, everything go right and nothing wrong.
May those you love bring love back to you, and may all the wishes you
wish come true! ~ Irish Blessing