Friday, August 01, 2014

4 weeks of freedom

Today marks the 28th day of being nicotine free.  I'm so proud of myself.  Not saying I won't fall off the wagon from time to time, but my aim is to stay substance free.  I quit smoking April 1st, 2011 and then occasionally smoked while drinking.  Which really means, when in Ireland.....
It was the Snus, or pouched tobacco, that was starting to become a problem.  It was pretty much invisible to everyone, so I did it every where.  That kind of dependence is maddening. 

Speaking of Dependence, I deactivated FB last night.  Trying to connect more with the life I am living.  Checking in, uploading pictures, liking, so many things that take away from the present here and now.  I'm trying to find a better balance in my life.  We'll see how it goes.  I'll keep the blog going though.  I love to write and it helps to see my feelings on the paper.  I can save and edit and really put out there what I'm going through.

It's funny though, not many people will see this because I won't be linking to FB.  It's a reminder that we are not as important as we might think.

Peace Out!

Monday, July 28, 2014

6 months out

Today marks the countdown... I'm six months away... how did it happen? THE BIG 40

Holy Crap!
ok, you get the point.

Saturday, I competed in my first Crossfit Comp, and got my ass handed to me.  It was a lot of fun, but it definitely showed me areas I can improve.  Endurance!!!!   I'm very excited to start training a little harder.  I've had to take it a little slow because of the shoulder surgery, but it's time to turn up the intensity a bit.  Sunday I worked out a whole new meal plan and started  this morning.  We will see how my body responds in a few weeks.  

Only a few days until I silence FB for a month.  That will definitely give me more time to focus on things.  There are little things around the house I want to fix, but mainly I want to train.  I'm happiest when I'm sweating in the gym, pushing my body to its limit.  The closer I get to 40, the more I realize what truly makes me happy.  Being in the gym all sweaty and exhausted.  Attempting lifts and learning how to use my body more efficiently.  Learning what foods fuel me and make me a leaner and stronger athlete.  I abused my body for years with alcohol, bad food, drugs and not enough sleep.  It's a wonder I'm able to do anything at all.  

So anyway, stay tuned.  There are changes on the horizon.  I'm very excited about where I am emotionally.  Still have some very hard days and that will probably never change.  Just the other day walking Sir William, a song started and I was literally bawling my eyes out, then the moment passed and I was fine.  Physically I'm getting stronger every day.  I can now do push-ups without the bands to assist me.  Next big goal, strict pull up.  I want that so bad, and a one handed hand stand, oh and a back hand spring... the list is really endless.

I want to do all the things..... :)