Thursday, June 28, 2012

Time, what is time?

ARGH!  Time is literally going backwards for me.  Waiting for two weeks should be an easy thing, no?  I'm not myself lately.  Had a fender bender day before yesterday, where I rear ended a lady.  Then this morning, I almost hit a car backing out of my driveway.  For anyone that knows me, this is very out of character.  Wednesday was my first wreck, with another car.  I'm a very good driver, who is aware of what everyone is doing.  The hormones are really doing a number on me.  Yesterday, I delivered some cookies to a flower shop, then took a look around.  They had a section with baby clothes, and I started crying.  Just looking at them and wondering if I will ever hold my own child.  The feeling was so powerful and overwhelming.  Had to leave quickly, and pull it together.  Staying positive is hard some days.  I put on a happy front, but inside I'm in turmoil.  For everyone else, it's easy to say "don't worry", or "it will happen".  Trying to not have any stress, seems to cause stress.  :) 

Only 12 more days till I should know if I'm pregnant or not.  Please oh please let me be pregnant!!


  1. God is on ur side Starr I promise you. Have just the faith of a mustard seed. I know its easier said than done but God is all knowing and all powerful and he will give u the desires of your heart. I love you karen

  2. Waiting impatiently with you. Love you!!

  3. Ahhhh!!! I can only say I know how you feel ;) patience is really a virtue pooh on that!

  4. I can not imagine how you feel Starr! I do know that you have a lot of support and I drove wreckless when my hormones were surging and I was pregnant. I am praying for you and hope you find out good news soon.

  5. My darling Starr, you are one in all the universe. I am with you, I want your happiness and for you to soar. I am but your father here on earth. Our Father knows . Ya I don't like not being in control either. But that is the way of us who believe . Love Dad
