Anger is not an attractive trait. I was ugly for a lot of years. I blamed everyone else for my problems, or my lack of happiness. I drank too much, smoked too much, stayed out late too much. I chased after a life that I was incapable of actually living. I definitely tried to control everything.
Life is a learning process, and hopefully you catch on fast. Because you see, there are no do overs. Age has taught me to let things go and to go with the flow. Sure, there are still days where I'm very ugly, but other days, I feel as free as a bird.
I'm hurting today for so many hurts that I caused unknowingly, to those I love the most. Maybe there should have been more "Sorrys" said by me. More heartfelt, I don't know. But it's the past and it's time to move on. You can't continue to carry the burden of yesterday, with the weight of your life today.
Life IS short. Smile and let go....