Clomid begins tomorrow!!!! YAY Where in the hell is the sarcasm font when you really need it? Looks like we are going for IUI number 4. While I'm up there next week, for some poking and prodding, we will schedule a consultation to discuss options, if this one doesn't take.
I'm tired. Everything in my life right now, revolves around drugs, shots, ultrasounds... I'm trying to train for the Spirit of Survival, and the heat plus the drugs, is not working out too well. Thinking I need to just suck it up and run, but it's tough. Everything seems tougher right now. I know it's a build up of the drugs and my stupid hormones added with the negative pregnancy tests. I'm really tired of being unhappy. Everyone who knows me, knows I love to laugh and have fun, and it doesn't seem to be going on right now. Life is passing me by because I just don't want to participate right now. I just want to stay locked up inside, where the issues don't seem as bad. No conversations about babies, or lack of babies I should say.
I'll try and get out some uplifting blogs soon, PROMISE!! Maybe the Clomid this time, will make me unusually happy, instead of bitchy. What? It could happen!!
Praying this is the one! Love you!