Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The waiting game

I'm right in the middle of the waiting game.  Day 6 post IUI.  Time is going by so slowly.  If I could quit looking at the clock, that would be great.  Add on, lack of sleep and the inability to sleep once night falls, and it is a recipe for Crazy.  Like I need any help.

Been trying to be more active, but have honestly had no energy.  Yoga last night was great, it always is.  But the running is what I miss.  I've been trying to get out there, and have even laid out my clothes.  But when that alarm clock goes off, and I've had a couple of hours of sleep, I hit snooze and finally fall into a sleep that lasts a couple more hours.  ARGH

Work is going well.  Staying busy, which is always good in the Construction industry.  Lining up more jobs, that will take us into the next couple of years.

Hope everyone is enjoying their summer.

1 comment:

  1. I love my baby girl and hope my baby has a baby. I believe all things are possible and know in my heart of hearts to never give up on a dream. Even when all things point to "NO". God works when the evidence is in the negative. He shines by showing people who is in charge and what HE can do. I love you and want more than anything (it is already so) to see you keep on believing in His ability. God bless you little one.
