Today, I didn't like myself very much. I actually quit during a workout. I was uncomfortable and hot, and mentally I just gave up. As I lay back, panting and gasping for air, Darren the gym owner and trainer said something to the effect of "what are you doing?" then "I don't like it" to which I replied, "I don't either".
I walked away, laid down on the floor, in front of the fan, took off my shoes and socks and retreated into my mind. As all the other guys and gals, were out there, running sprints, probably feeling, just as uncomfortable as I had been, I was wallowing in self pity on the floor. Then I got mad. I'm not a quitter, not anymore. I don't run away from problems.
Got up, put back on my socks and shoes and finished the damn workout.
No one likes a quitter.
"Quit" for a time, for a few minutes, an hour or day or two. Collect yourself, recover, regather. But never more then a day or two. Then get back to it. Don't quit. ;)