Friday, August 01, 2014

4 weeks of freedom

Today marks the 28th day of being nicotine free.  I'm so proud of myself.  Not saying I won't fall off the wagon from time to time, but my aim is to stay substance free.  I quit smoking April 1st, 2011 and then occasionally smoked while drinking.  Which really means, when in Ireland.....
It was the Snus, or pouched tobacco, that was starting to become a problem.  It was pretty much invisible to everyone, so I did it every where.  That kind of dependence is maddening. 

Speaking of Dependence, I deactivated FB last night.  Trying to connect more with the life I am living.  Checking in, uploading pictures, liking, so many things that take away from the present here and now.  I'm trying to find a better balance in my life.  We'll see how it goes.  I'll keep the blog going though.  I love to write and it helps to see my feelings on the paper.  I can save and edit and really put out there what I'm going through.

It's funny though, not many people will see this because I won't be linking to FB.  It's a reminder that we are not as important as we might think.

Peace Out!