Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Last IUI cycle.

So this is it, last chance at the easy ones.  Can't believe it's 4 times already.  Well, it will be on Thursday morning.  I have to once again, stay up tonight, then jab a super huge (tiny) needle in my belly, to help mother nature along.  Then it's time for the longest two week wait known to man.  Seriously, if you want time to slow down, hang out with me for the next couple of weeks.  Should know if it worked Labor Day Weekend.  If it doesn't work, then we are moving on to an IVF cycle.

The doctor and I spoke at length today about my options.  He agreed that we should just move to IVF if this doesn't work.  He was candid in his opinion on my odds.  With my age and poor ovarian reserve, there is a high chance of a cancelled cycle.  Which means, after aggressively pumping my body full of drugs, they will cancel the cycle before surgery, because of me not responding to the drugs, or them not seeing enough follicles with eggs.  Even if they go in, he doesn't expect to get more than 8 eggs.  With that said, the general rule of thumb is, half of those eggs might be good, then after all the magic they work, half of those might turn to blastocyst stage and be ready to implant.  So a good estimate would be 2 blastocyst ready for transfer, if I'm lucky.

So that's where we stand.  What we are all hoping for, praying for, begging for, pleading for, wishing for and believing in is, The 4th times the charm!!!

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