Monday, June 11, 2012

That witch AF showed her ugly face!

So, AF (Aunt Flow) is coming into town.  In a way, I'm relieved.  Being late by 4 days and having a negative pregnancy test, had me worried.  At least now, I can move on to TTC (Trying to Conceive) part 2.  Not sure if knowing how the drugs affected me the first time, has me a little more apprehensive.  Definitely not looking forward to the emotional roller coaster, I'm about to endure.  At least the first time, it was filled with nothing but hope, that it would work.  Now, going into this next phase, I have the realization, that indeed it didn't work.  I'm still ever hopeful and optimistic about my chances, but I'd be lying, if I didn't admit my emotional state is a bit more fragile. 

So, look for more emotionally charged posts, coming in the next week.  :)

Sunday, June 10, 2012

What's going on?

Day 16 post IUI and I'm still in limbo. Pregnancy test still reads negative and I'm 3 days late. It's maddening to not know what my body is up to. I've read and studied up on the effects of Clomid on your body. In some people it causes a late ovulation. I took the HCG shot, which is supposed to ensure ovulation, but I'm starting to question it. The past 4 days have been filled with anxiety. Add on cramps, being tired and irritability. I've tried to catch up on sleep, but it has been fleeting.

I just want to know what is going on with my body. I'll call the doctor first thing in the morning, and hopefully get some answers. I'm worried about about having another ectopic pregnancy. I only have one Fallopian tube left, and can't afford anything to happen to it.