Thursday, October 03, 2013

Ireland again!!

It's been awhile since my last post.  So many fun and exciting things have happened.

1.  High School Reunion.  It wasn't really mine, because I didn't graduate.  And since I didn't graduate, I haven't really aged.  All my friends are much older, but not me  :)

2.  I went back to Ireland. 

3.  Ran my first half marathon in Dingle Ireland.  It was a magical place.  So beautiful and peaceful.  The run was challenging, but so worth it!  I didn't really train for it, just continued on with my Crossfit, but I finished it.  2:43 was my time, but the official time said 2:51.  Whatever, I finished.

4.  I drove on the wrong side of the road, from the wrong side of the car..... and didn't kill anyone

5.  Saw more than once castle.  Oh how I love them. 

6.  Had to stop driving, because there were sheep in the road :)  I was really excited about this and started laughing, and maybe crying. 

7.  I got a new tattoo of a tree on my forearm.  I'm absolutely in love with it.  It is by far, my favorite to date.  It's simple and beautiful.

Lastly, but probably the best thing.  This trip, I did meet someone special.  I actually met him last trip, but he was not on my radar.  He wasn't even on my radar this trip.  It is true what they say, when you quit looking, someone shows up.  It all happened, because I thought I lost my phone.  In one moment, the way I saw him, completely changed.  It was as if, I was looking at a different person.  Over the next few days, he just kept doing these little things, that really made me think.  He said something to me, that is hands down, the nicest and sweetest things, a man has ever said.  And it wasn't because he wanted anything.  At least, I don't think he did :) laughing

I'm happy.