Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Well, it's not looking good for the home team.  Negative pregnancy tests :(  Just waiting for AF to show her bitchy self, and then we move on.

I'm not going to be too upset.  Ok, going to try and not be that upset.  This weekend, is bringing in old friends, to Lawton.  I'm going to eat, drink and be merry.  Lot's of laughter is in store.  Once everyone is gone, I can get a good cry in.  Then it's time for the next step.  IVF 

I'm ready.  It's what has to be done, and I'm going to just take it day by day.  Yes, I'm scared.  I'm on the last step of this process.  But, I'm hopeful and optimistic. 

1 comment:

  1. Sweet, Starr! You are going to be surrounded by soooo much love this weekend. Can't wait to hug you! Love you oodles and oodles.
