Thursday, December 20, 2012

My high rolling friend

Well, I'm still waiting, ever so patiently to find out the news on whether I'm pregnant, or not.  Come on already Christmas!!  So, today while out finishing my Christmas Shopping, I ran into an old friend and we laughed about the summer of 1985.

Summer, 1985.  My mother was a pool player, and a good one at that.  She had won her way to a National Pool tournament in Las Vegas.  How excited was I, to go to Vegas.  It was hot hot hot.  I remember that so vividly.  We arrived, and there wasn't much for me a kid to do.  So I naturally, went in search of friends in the big pool hall, at the MGM grand.  I made friends with a woman named Lee Meredith.  She was the blonde, in the Miller Lite Commercials, that said "Oh, Mickey".  I also, somehow, roped myself into working a booth, that served sodas.  Never meet a stranger now, and never met a stranger then.  I became pen pals with Lee, and I think it dropped off in High School.  Need to ask Mammie.  Anyway, I digress.  I had a baby sitter one day, and she took me to Wet N Wild.  It had just opened that year.  While hanging out, I noticed a kid that looked really familiar to me.  So of course, I went up to him.  As I drew closer, I was sure it was my friend's younger brother.  "Casey, is your sister here?" he looked up at me, and said, "um yeah, follow me".  So off we go.  We make it to the wave pool I think, and there is Candy Yoast, my friend from Will Rogers Elementary School.  She is going into the 7th grade, and I'm going into the 5th grade.  Her dad was a blackjack dealer, and they were there visiting for the summer.  It was too cool, to be a million miles away from home, playing with my friend.  I felt so cool. 

Through the years, Candy and I would always run into each other.  We looked a lot alike.  Both were blue eyed brunettes, with long sometimes unruly curly hair.  She called me up out of the blue one time, and said I have something for you.  It was a fake ID.  I used it until it expired or I turned 18, can't remember which happened first.  :)

So today, I saw Candy and was 10 again.  I was super cool.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Fake ID? OH great. Well..Little Starr, you will be amazed at the fact when you turn 40, 50.and so on, the same thing takes place. I am 20 every time I walk into a bar (and I don't drink). Love you and your spunk and vitality. Stay strong and continue to pray.
