Thursday, November 20, 2014

Back to the grind

The devil hormones have subsided!  Thank goodness.  It's honestly one of the worst parts of the IVF process.  For me anyway.  I walked around crying and moody.  On Sunday, I started feeling a little better, like the fog was lifting.  Now here it's Thursday and I feel great.  Been to the gym the past few days, the fridge has been cleaned out and restocked with things that are not chocolate :)

I'm really feeling good.  Sure, I'm a little bummed, but life is what it is.  All of these things that I've gone through are part of me.  Good and bad they add up to the sum of me.  I love me.  I love my life for what it is.  Yes, I want some different things (children, a man, a million dollars) but I'm also very comfortable with what I have and who I am. 

Thank you friends for reaching out.  And also thank you to those who kept their distance.  I'm blessed beyond measure. 

Let's finish out this year with a bang and see what the New Year holds.  The big 40 happens in January and I think it's going to be my best year yet.

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