Friday, November 14, 2014

A few pictures of my journey.

Somedays it's hard to believe I've actually done all the things I have. When you make a decision to try IVF, time stands still and then it's over. I look back and wonder how I stabbed a needle into my belly 42 times in 11 days. The following pictures are what your belly turns into. 
I was lucky that there weren't as many bruises this time, but there were still a few. It literally starts swelling and you just try not to stab yourself in the same spot. 

I always try to wear something crazy and fun. When you are faced with uncertainty I think laughter is the way you face life. 
Yes, the shirt says "let's make babies". I will wear it for round 3. 

Until next time... Thank you everyone for the texts, the phone calls. They really do make me smile. 

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