Saturday, June 02, 2012

The wait is killing me!

8 days past IUI.  Probably the longest 8 days, I've ever experienced up to this point.  Doing my best to stay busy, and not think about it.  But hey, who are we kidding?  It's about the only thing I can think of.  You start looking at any symptom.  You start making some up :)  I don't feel any different.  Nothing, no change.  That scares me.  But, it is only 8 days past IUI.  Come on next week!  I'm ready to know, I think.  If I'm not pregnant, lets just get on with the next cycle and try to not cry or feel discouraged.  Probably easier said than done.

Today to fill my time, I worked on the backyard.  Trying to make it a modular rock and green space.  I'm happy with the progress so far.  Trying to pick only plants that like the hot Oklahoma sun.  I'm a horrible green thumb, but I'm trying to learn how to do stuff, before I have a child.  :)

Ok, back to pretending I'm not waiting on some really important news.  


  1. I'm praying for you!!! Come on Baby!!! Hugs

  2. Prayers coming your matter the news they shall be needed! Hugs!!!

  3. Love your posts. Love to read of your heart.

  4. Hang in there Starr, My fingers are crossed for you...
