Monday, November 10, 2014


3 days past the three day transfer. 72 hours.  One or more of those embryo could be hatching out and burrowing deep in the lining of my uterus. :)

I'm trying to laugh and stay positive. Nothing I can do at this point to change the outcome. I've done all I can in this journey to become a mother. I've been asked again if I have ever considered adoption. No offense, but I'm still working on biological children. If this doesn't work and I finally decide that I won't ever give birth, then I might entertain the thought. But it's not easy for a single woman to adopt. It's harder actually and a long process. Not to mention the money. Without getting into specifics, I've spent a nice chunk of change. I might take time to save and travel if this doesn't work. I don't honestly know what I'll do. Taking it one day at a time. 

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