Monday, November 10, 2014

Last day of shots

Last day of shots!!! Wahoo

Tonight I will give myself a double dose of menopur, the last drops of the follistim, Lupron and then I will do the HCG trigger at 8 pm. Tuesday morning at 7:00 they will retrieve the eggs. 

At this point I have five follicles. The sizes are 25,23,15,15 and a 14.  Fingers crossed the two large ones chill for the next 36 hours and they are able to harvest a just perfect egg from each one. We don't want hardboiled. 

Tomorrow I'll do payroll and end of month paperwork. I'll also try to get everything done so I can coast through the next 15 days. I haven't even bought a pregnancy test. Not going to test like I did last time. I'm trying to take a much more relaxed attitude. So far so good :) talk to me in a few days though. 

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