Monday, November 10, 2014

One week

I can't believe it's about to begin again.  So crazy how fast time goes.  The drugs are ready and will be shipped on Tuesday.  Monday morning is my baseline US (ultrasound), blood work and of course a urine sample.  I've been on birth control for almost 3 weeks, so the ovaries should be nice and sleepy.  I've been trying to get in the gym as much as possible.  Today was a much needed rest day.  I've been squatting like crazy and will attempt a PR next week.  I'll be able to work out again, but will have to wait for my ovaries to get smaller after the stims.

I'm really excited and optimistic.  I already know the bad side of IVF, maybe this time, I'll see the good side.

Can't wait to let everyone in on the secret, and man I hope when I post these blogs the outcome is in my favor.  Either way, the journey is what it is.  It's the story of my life and I hope to one day tell this story to my children.

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